
Changing Parental Norms

Introduction to Changing Parental Norms in the UAE

Social norms are termed as criteria or standard of behaviour among the individual that is predominant in their culture. These are mainly shaped and mould by the belief and values provided by the parents, religious affiliation, surrounding activities, mass media etc. therefore, with the changing scenario there is constant change in the social norms that impact the parental style in the UAE. The present research paper is about the changing social norms related with parental tactics and styles.

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Changes and evolution in parenting norms

The UAE mainly have traditional Islamic societies in which the children are detected to be attached with the family members as well as communities. Therefore, in the contemporary educated scenario both mother and father working full time for meeting the financial requirement of family members thus, it directly impact in amending parenting norms within the UAE region. Parents are consider as most of the important aspect in the life of children as it ensure their proper growth and development. The different form of parental style include authoritative parenting as well as permissive parenting styles that both outcome in changing the parental norms. It has been assessed that authoritative parental style focuses on high controlling attitude towards the children so that children may not get distracted (Parental Involvement in the Education of Their Children in Dubai, 2012). On the other hand, another parenting styles within the UAE may include permissive style in which they have less control on their children as well as they do not engage in the activities of punishment that outcome in changing the parenting norms.

Whereas, with the increasing educational societies in the UAE there is evolution or change in the parenting norms that is there is constant increase in the number of hiring nannies to the babies or children as both the parents engage in their professional activities. Therefore, this outcome in changing the parental norms within the Islamic region.

Impact of changes

From the above changes in the parental styles as well as changing in the parental norms it positively as well as negatively impact on the behaviour of children. For instance, hiring or nannies for the babies and children is consider as positive approach for the parents those who are working for the full time. As, it results in supporting and assisting their children when the parents are out of their homes. With the positive impact it might sometime also results in impacting negative on the mindset and behaviour of children as they would feel disconnected from their parents and it builds the negative image of their parents in the mind of child. Moreover, with the changing parental style it might also impact on the individual and children.

Social norms influencing child rearing

Child rearing as well as parenting are similar to each other as it ensure procedure related with supporting the individual or children through providing them emotional as well as social support that assists in attaining development and growth of child to adulthood. Therefore, there are different social norms that impact and influences the child rearing within UAE include the values and belief that are provided by the parents. For instance, in the middle east region as well as in the UAE region the parents are most likely to promote the conventional or traditional values related with the virtue and morality that ensure proper upbringing among their children.

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Along with this, another social norms that influences the child rearing within the UAE region is good social networking of the parents within the community (Moussa-Inaty and De La Vega, 2013). With the effective social networking it support the parents in reviewing the styles and parental norms of others so that they may implement them among their children to ensure their proper growth and development. Therefore, it is stated that with the existence of social relationship it might results in enhancing the social cohesion through which parents ensure proper activities within child rearing.

On the other hand, another cultural and social norms that influences the child rearing within the UAE include level of attachment and independence provided by parents (Parents must be more involved in children lives, 2014). Therefore, it is said that cultural and social norms mainly assists in determining the actual level of attachment of parent with the children.

Social challenges within the UAE

Within UAE it has been monitored that whether it is clinic or supermarket or mall the children are carried by nannies and the parent walk distance away. With the increasing hiring of nannies it might impact the lives of children. Therefore, in this situation if children got hurt then they would promptly run to nannies as they are more comfortable with them than their own parents. Along with this, it also stated that another social challenges within UAE include increasing aspect of social media that impact the parenting activities within the region (Parental Involvement in the Education of Their Children in Dubai, 2012). In the modern context the parents face distraction due to increasing use of social media as well as increasing gathering of the friends it might impact the parenting form that ultimately impact the behavioural aspect of children towards their parents. Thus, it ultimately results in spending lesser time in the home and with their children. For instance it has been assessed that in Dubai caregiver such as maids and nannies plays significant role in upbringing and development of the children so that all the requirement and needs related with social as emotional gets accomplished.


From the above report it is concluded that with the changing scenario it might results in changing the parental norms and regulation within the UAE. Along with this certain social norms has been addressed that influences the child rearing within the region so that it may positively impact the style of parenting that ultimately results in upbringing and development of the children.


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